The Words I Want to Say
Imagine you're riding a crowded bus. There are no empty seats. You see an elderly man get on: how do you react? Do you stand and give up your seat? Or do you sit there and do nothing?
Last winter, I was riding the bus when an elderly-looking man got on. Without hesitation,I stood up. "Here." The man seemed taken-aback. He said,"I'm fine," and declined my offer. I was shocked. I looked down, unsure what to do next. I was always told it was a good thing to do to give up my seat to others. But just when I did my best to gather my courage and do the right thing, I was rejected. Did I do something wrong? Was the man not as old as I thought? Did he really not need a seat? Thinking these things,I was so embarrassed I got off at the next stop. From then on,when I rode the bus, I would pretend to not notice those around me.
This went on for many months. Recently though,something changed my mind. While I was out shopping with my mother,we saw a woman pushing a stroller. Carrying her shopping basket at the same time looked very difficult. Even worse,her child kept running and jumping around her energetically. My mother saw this and quickly stepped in. "Here. Let me help you." My mother took the woman's shopping basket and carried it all the way to her car. The woman kept bowing over and over,thanking my mother.
After the woman left, I asked my mother how she reached out to the woman so easily. My mother replied with a smile. "It's hard for a woman to go out alone with a small child. It was the same when you were little. It's hard to ask for help,but if someone approaches you with a smile and says 'Can I help you?', everyone will say yes."
I thought about myself, who became embarrassed to reach out after being rejected only once. Even though I wanted to help, I let my fear stop me.
From now on, I don't want to be afraid. Rather than worry, I'll want to take action. We shouldn't be ashamed to want to help people. All it takes is some courage and a smile. Wouldn't you be happy if someone smiled and offered help when you needed it? Don't you think if everyone offered help to one another, the world would be a better place to live in? If someone looks like they're in trouble, I want to smile and say: Can I help you?
あなたは混んでいるバスにのっています。空いている席はありません。そこに老人が乗ってきました。あなたはどういう行動をとりますか? さっと立って席を譲りますか。譲りませんか。
私はお母さんに尋ねました。どうしてさっと声をかけられたの? 母は答えました。「女性が一人で小さい子連れで外出するのはたいへんなのよ。あなたが小さい時もおなじだったのよ。私もたくさんの人に何度も助けられたわ。それに困っていそうな人がいれば声をかけるのがあたりまえ。自分から手伝ってくださいとは言いづらいけど、笑顔で「Can I help you?」言えば、みんなYESと答えるわ。」母は笑顔で話していました。
「Can I help you?」
E-mail shimogo-j@fcs.ed.jp